Hi all,
Koji Hattori sent me the details for our next game.

April 15 (Sun) vs Haseko construction
kick off 12:00 @ the Asahi Shimbun ground, in Misato.

Meeting at Misato Station at 10h15

How to go to Misato Station:
you have to hop on the Chiyoda Line, direction Abiko (North-East), stop at Shin-Matsudo and take the Musashino-Line, direction (Fuchu-Honmachi) for Misato. I will take the Chiyoda-line at Nishi-Nippori at 09:35, but those of you who are living in the Shibuya area might choose another eki to take the line. Look for train information at this adress (in english)

Mail me with YES / NO/ MAYBE.

Matt R

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