Hi lads, It was only 4 of us last night @ TAKADANOBABA for training.
This is rather disappointing considering we have a very important game to play on Sunday in 10 days to get to First Division. Training will not guarantee success come next Sunday but it will certainly help considering the long layoff for the year-end holidays.
Please reply to me before 5pm if you can make tomorrow training (from 2pm to 4pm) at ARIAKE. So far, it looks like there will not be any training since only 3 guys said yes: Matthieu Papin, Matthieu Pasini and Jerome. => We need another 7 guys *to confirm before 5pm today* or training is cancelled.
— On another note, I would like to ask all of you who have not yet paid their membership/team fee (*2,500 JPY*) to do so ASAP. So far only 10 players have paid. Thanks to Hisa, Cedric, Mike, Yuji, Ryo, Lawrence, Matthieu Pasini, Matthieu Papin, Ueda-san, Hirano-san. For the others, well, you know what to do!!!! Prompt payment (cash or bank transfer) will be highly appreciated.
I should not have to beg for payment. Really. Be smart and pay quick so as to be done and over with it. Bank account details of AFRC are as follows:
*AFRC bank account details**:
* Bank name: Mitsubishi Tokyo UFJ Bank (0005)- 株式会社三菱東京UFJ銀行
Bank branch:Shin marunouchi shiten (422) − 新丸の内支店
Account number: 4820657 普通預金 (futsuyokin)
Account name: All France Rugby Club – オールフランス ラグビークラブ Cheers, JP
****************** Below copy of message sent in November and re-sent in December …
(*Message in Japanese, English and French*)
プレイヤーとオールフランスのみんなへ 今シーズン(2014-2015)の会費は昨年度と同じで一人につき2500円です。 オールフランスにはdeVereというスポンサーがいて、審判とグラウンド費、物品購入、首都リーグや他のトーナメントへの登録費、deVereCupの開催 などをカバーしてくれることになっています。 しかしながら、チームのすべての出費を補うものではないので、12月1日までになるべく早く会費を頂けると助かります。 これは同時にあなたがチームに属していることの印にもなります。 会費は2014年8月から2015年7月分になります。 公正を期するため、チームに所属してないけれども、試合に出ているすべてのプレイヤー、 又は12月1日から会費を払っていないプレイヤーは1試合につき1000円の費用が掛かります。 (つまり、外部のプレイヤーは2試合以上出る場合は会費を支払った方が良いです) 会費は康介さん、ダン、マキシム、エルワン、JPまでお支払ください。 もしくは、チームの銀行口座に振り込むようにしてください。 それでは、どうぞよろしくお願い致します。 Jean-Philippe
Dear AFRC players and members, please note that the 2014-2015 season member’s fee is up. The fee is 2,500 JPY for the season. AFRC is proudly sponsored by deVere. The sponsorship covers most of the running expenses of the club (grounds, refs), to buy some equipment (pads, balls etc) and to register our team in the SHUUTO League or other tournaments (10s, deVere cup). Still it does not cover all the club expenses and we are grateful for your kind settlement of the membership for the 2014-2015 season (before Dec. 1st if possible). The membership also shows your commitment to the team. We encourage and reward players who come to training and stay with the team. Not ringers. The membership fee is for the 2014-2015 season who runs from August 2014 to July 2015. In order to be fair, please note that all outside players who are coming to games are requested to pay a fee of 1,000 JPY/game (this is also true for players who have not paid or settled their membership fee!). As long as an outside player is going to play in more than 2 games, we encourage him to take the membership. We will seek out to enforce this rule because we are keen to maintain a fair system. Please settle your membership in cash with Kosuke, Dan, Maxime, Erwan or myself. You can also make a bank transfer on the AFRC bank account indicated below. Thanks in advance. Jean-Philippe AFRC President
Chers Joueurs et membres du All France Rugby Club, Veuillez noter que le prix de la cotisation pour la saison 2014-2015 a ete fixe a 2,500 JPY/membre (meme tariff que la saison 2013-2014). Le All France Rugby Club a un sponsor principal (deVere) qui nous permet de couvrir les frais de fonctionnement (arbitre, terrain), d’acheter du materiel, d’inscrire le club dans le championnat SHUUTO et autres tournois ponctuels, d’organiser la devere Cup etc. Mais cela ne couvre pas toutes les depenses du club et nous vous sommes reconnaissant de bien vouloir regler votre cotisation des que possible (et avant le 1er Decembre). C’est aussi un signe d’engagement important de votre part et de fidelisation. La cotisation est valable pour toute la saison 2014-2015 (c-a-d du mois d’aout 2014 jusqu’au mois de Juillet 2015). Par souci d’equite, veuillez noter que tous les joueurs exterieurs au club qui participent aux matchs (ou joueurs qui ne sont pas a jour de leur cotisation a compter du 1er Decembre) devront payer une participation aux frais de 1,000 JPY par match (cad qu’un joueur exterieur a tout interet a regler sa cotisation des lors qu’il pense venir a plus de 2 matchs). Vous pouvez regler votre cotisation en liquide aupres de Kosuke, Dan, Maxime, Erwan ou moi-meme. Vous pouvez aussi effectuer un virement bancaire sur le compte du club indique ci-dessous.
Merci par avance, Jean-Philippe President du All France Rugby Club >>