Hi All France, good victory yesterday against a not-so-great Buwaku team 37-10, report to come. We have now the last 2 games of the Shuto League, this week end (1st of Nov) and the next (8th of Nov), and if we win these 2 difficult games, we will be champion of our division. Dandelions and Urayasu Beers are the hardest teams we will play so I want everybody committed during these 2 weeks, that means regular exercise and refrain from drinking (even during the Bledisloe Cup/Halloween party). We should do a sayonara party for Teru on the 13th or 14th when we will be able to release some pressure… On Sunday, we will meet the Dandelions, they have usually a good back line and are very quick on support. Meeting is at 13h00 at Musashi Urawa Station, KO is at 15h20 at Akigase ground.