Hello lads,
Bonjour a tous,
Next Saturday, it is our year-end party / BONENKAI, here are the details (also on the flyer attached).
Samedi prochain, nous avons le diner de fin d’annee/la Bonenkai de notre equipe, voici les details (vous les trouverez aussi dans le flyer en pièce jointe)
Date: Saturday 4th of September
Time: from 7 pm, a partir de 19h
Location / Endroit: UNICE (www.unice.jp)
How to get there/Acces: JR Ebisu / Daikanyama station ([googlemaps http://maps.google.com/maps?f=q&source=s_q&hl=en&geocode=&q=unice+daikanyama&sll=35.646983,139.704584&sspn=0.004377,0.009624&ie=UTF8&hq=unice&hnear=Daikanyama,+Shibuya,+Tokyo,+Japan&ll=35.647445,139.707459&spn=0.004159,0.01369&z=17&cid=5713833636487384307&&output=embed&s=AARTsJp56EajYksz3JXgNCwT3LJnGsqqAQ]
Deal/ Cout: 4,500 JPY/head
– Includes 2 hour drinks (beer, wine, soft, spirit), 1h30min food (careful: sit down dinner).
– Inclut 2 heures de boisson a volonté (biere, vin, jus de fruits, sodas, alcools forts), 1h30 de nourriture (attention : diner assis).
– 7:00pm: Welcome- Accueil. (Be on time, Soyez a l’heure)
– 7:30pm: Start of Nomihodai- Ouverture du bar (Nomihodai 2 hours) and speeches / discours
– 8:00pm: Sit-down Dinner- Diner assis (Tabehodai, 1h30min)
– 9:30pm: End of Nomihodai / Tabehodai- Fin du Open Bar et du buffet a volonte
– from 9:30pm onwards, cash bar. Paiement a la commande / au bar en cash pour commandes individuelles supplementaires
– From 7pm to 9.30pm, BONENKAI is limited to All France Players/Coaches and one guest (+1) of their choice (wife, girlfriend, best friend).
– De 19h a 21h30, la soirée de fin d annee est reservee aux joueurs du All France et a l’invite (1 par joueur) de leur choix (epouse, compagne, meilleur ami(e))
– From 9:30pm, it is open to everyone for drinks and party.
– A partir de 21h30, c’est ouvert a tous et a tous/toutes les ami(e)s du club non present(e)s en premiere partie de soiree
Dresscode/ Code vestimentaire:
– For players, AFRC polo is a must (penalties)
– Polo AFRC obligatoire pour les joueurs (sous peine de sanction…)
– For all including your guests, a small Xmas touch is expected (Santa Hat, Xmas scarf etc).
– Pour tous, même vos invites, une petite touche de Noel dans la tenue est la bienvenue.
ANSWER BY EMAIL (YES/NO) or Doodle and kindly indicate whether you are coming [ALONE/ with GUEST(+1)] no later than TUESDAY 30th of NOVEMBER
REPONSE par email (OUI/NON) ou sur Doodle en indiquant si vous venez [SEUL / Accompagne (+1)] le mardi 30 Novembre au plus tard.
So far on Doodle (14 players will attend) : Matt R, Bruno, Yama, Damien, Matt V, William, Sanada-san, Greg, Philippe, Dom, Hiro, Higashi, Kosuke, Jeanphi.
See you / A plus,