Morning all,
We lost our fifth consecutive game VS YCAC last Sunday for the Dixon Cup.
Final score was 66-5 (ouch) courtesy of a Maxime try and solo effort in the first half to put some points on the scoreboard for AFRC.
We were picked apart by their powerful runs and physical play and every missed tackle and turnover ball we conceded was transformed into a try scoring opportunity. It was too much of a repeat of the GAIJIN game. It just shows the importance of effective tackling (even if the guys were taller and bigger) and taking care of the ball (Charlie our captain often insists on this and I believe you understand why now).
Let’s put this behind us and look ahead to our next crucial game. We need to train hard in the coming 4 weeks. The season and Div. 1 is on the line.
Last year, we were prepping up for Div.2 final. This year, we are in Div. 1 and we need to prep up for a final against TENTOMUSHI to keep our hopes alive to stay in Div. 1.
WE NEED TO DEFEAT TENTOMUSHI or it is straight back to Div. 2.
Game is on Dec. 16th.
Until then we need to TRAIN and TRAIN HARD and TOGETHER.
– Training @ USHIGOME every Thursday (7pm to 9pm)
– Additional week-end sessions @ ARIAKE every week (Saturday and Sunday)
This week end is a long week end so I would expect that you are free for 2-3 hours to train either Saturday or Sunday.
Thanks to have a look @ DOODLE and update your status/preferences accordingly.
We need a minimum of ten players for each session.
The idea could be to separate backs and forwards provided we are enough and try to have a complete backline and 7-8 forwards to practice lineouts etc.