•  March/April/May -> AFRC “De Vere” cup :

    – 5 teams will join this year again.
    – Games : 13th Mar, 27 Mar, 10 Apr, 24 Apr, 8 May
    – 4 games for each team, so one of the day will be off
    – Ground place: Yanokuchi
    – KickOff time : 1st game 1pm, 2nd game 2:30pm
    ( In case of rain, games are postponed to next week-end, with potential games eventually on 15 and 22 May.)


  • 3/19 -> Meat Cup organized by the Crusaders :

    This will be held on 19th March at Akigase rugby ground, please register on TeamSnap. Run fast, and eat meat


  • 4/2 -> Dinner with the TAHITI Rugby club :

    We will have a dinner with French players coming from Tahiti to play a game then have a great dinner at Comptoir Occitan ( great food, and with rugbymen, a great ambiance for sure ).
    Please register on Teamsnap or Facebook ( https://www.facebook.com/events/1141955175845233/ ) as I’m sure you won’t regret it. It’s gonna be 5,000y food/drinks included.

  • 5/28 -> Pena party

  • 7/3 -> Shuto 10s all day

Also please spread the word about http://playrugby.tokyo which is easy to give out for rugby players looking for a rugby club enjoying a good team spirit !

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