Hi team, Yesterday was a nightmare of a game. We were looking for our first win of the season and some inaugural win with our new colors but we failed and the scoreline says it all: AFRC 7-63 Wild Turkeys (half time was 7-28). The scoreline is even worse than most of the games we played and lost when we were in first division last season. I amost for words. Maybe WT are good but this does not explain everything. The coaches and captain will provide more technical analysis but seen from the sideline, it seemed that we failed both individually and collectively as a team (starting with punctuality, guys arriving 5 min before kick off etc). I do not expect anybody to be happy or boast about his performance in this game. We have great individual talents in our team and a lot of potential but alas put together it does not click or does not gel yet. Put it simply, as long as we do not practise together (meaning 20 guys at practise and not just the same 8 guys on Thursday and Saturday sessions) our progress will be little and slow. Also we are pressed by time: we are already two games in the Shuuto League with 2 games left. Need a serious wake up call! Our next games are on Oct. 20th and on Oct. 27. We have 4 weeks until our next game (vs Baku) and every player committed to the team should try its best to attend team training planned on Sat. 5th or Sun. 6th of October. Maxime will confirm date and place soon but please, please make yourself available for afternoons of 5th and 6th. Last but not least I would like to thank Jean-Louis Spotti our sponsor who came to the game, Philippe Wattez for the wines and the friends and players relatives who came to support. Sorry we could not deliver a better performance and a better outcome on the day. Cheers, JP