Hello everyone, Hope you will enjoy a mid-week rest tomorrow.
1- Training on Thursday 21 @ USHIGOME is ON (unless stated otherwise on the day by Yuji). I will be out of town so use the mailing list to check out who is up to run training and bring a ball.
2- Training on Saturday 23 @ ARIAKE from 10am to 12pm: so far only 2 people have answered positively on TEAM SNAP (Mike and Philippe). I will be overseas. If we cannot get a group of 10 by Friday 5PM, then training will be cancelled (those who wish can go and practice with Tokyo Warriors for ball skills and fitness etc @ ARIAKE from 10am).
3- CANCELLED: Dinner with French team on Tuesday 26. A bit of a disappointment but alas the dinner with the French 7 is cancelled. This was a great idea but realistically time was definitely too short to organize a large dinner and gather enough people (40-50) to make it worth and financially feasible (+ people behind this have day jobs and are all travelling). Sorry for those who were looking forward to it. Let’s plan it ahead next year.
4- TOKYO SEVENS (Sat 30 and Sun 31): 2 day tickets on SALE @ 4,500 JPY. Normal price is 5,500 JPY. You get 1,000 JPY discount and you help support the club. I still have 10 tickets. Please pass this offer around to people who could be interested if you are not or cannot come on both days. Note that the tickets are electronic with barcode and is valid for two days (I can send you the PDF and you can print the ticket at home or work).
So far (7): Damien, Philippe, Jean-Louis, Baptiste, Nicolas, Alex, Jeanphi.
Kosuke, Yama, do you confirm you want tickets for the two days?
What about the others?
I do not want to end up with 10 unsold tickets so I started sending email to other members than AFRC. Contact me ASAP if you are interested. First come, first served basis!
Cheers, Jeanphi