AFRC vs Moccos : Great victory for All France for the first game of the cup 2017

Mar 13, 2017Uncategorized

Sunday marked the first game of this year edition of the All France Cup, previously called DeVere cup, and All France showed great rugby talent along with strength and speed !

Despite showing up with only 16 players for this game ( yep only one sub ), All France managed to put Moccos in difficulty from the start of the game, with powerful attacks from our 12 (newly arrived Thomas) & 13 (Baptiste moving from the flanker role ) followed by the forwards group for support. Then our wings did their job many times, thanks Dan and Tom for such long runs.

The defense was what we learn at rugby school, aggressive and relentless. We got the Moccos tired after trying to pass is, only to be surprised by a stolen ball and a relaunch going often for the try.

But the last but not least point of this game was our scrum. We didn’t lose one and we were on the top of every scrum, even managing to steal the last one leading to a beautiful try.

So many tries I cannot remember anything, but thanks to Tom, Baptiste, Lolo, Dan, Ryo and all the others that helped during the whole game.

Let’s continue on this way and let’s win the cup !

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